Tuesday, 24 July 2012

So excited!

I'm nervous about jinxing it, but this week has been one of the best I've had for a VERY long time. 

I'm back at uni, which has reduced my "sleep ins" but has reintroduced some much needed structure. The timetable fairies were very kind to me this semester and I got all my first preferences. Better still, I was asked to swap out of one of my tutorials to help out some other students who had work. I was happy to do this and the tutorial I have swapped into has resulted in an even better timetable!

Today I had an interview at a gymnastics club. After much encouragement from my family, especially from my Mum, I emailed this gymnastics club in the hope of getting back into some coaching. The people who know me well know that there aren't many things I love more than I love gymnastics and I think those that live with me are probably keen for me to get back to coaching some actual gymnasts rather than forcing them to watch incredible routines on youtube with me.

I did gymnastics and sport aerobics when I was younger. Participating in these sports taught me so much, they were integral to the development of my confidence and provided me with communities where I felt accepted. 

I was doing quite a bit of coaching in Adelaide, but things were so challenging when we moved to Melbourne that it wasn't possible to seek out a club straight away. A lot of time has passed since but it has taken me until now to have the availability, the means and the confidence to re-engage with gymnastics. 

I felt the interview went really well. The head coach, the administrator and committee member I met were all really lovely. Their club has the grass roots community feel that I loved about my gym club in Adelaide. Just being around gym apparatus and that unforgettable smell of chalk, crash mats and happy little girls in leotards lifted my mood by about 5 points. 

I am hopeful that this interview will be the start of something really positive.

The other thing I am super duper excited is car related and due to take place on Thursday morning. You'll have to tune in later in the week to hear about that though...

Those things and with the Olympics being just around the corner, I'm a happy girl.


1 comment:

  1. excellent news.
    I think I have an inkling about the car news, very exciting.
    I am just about to make the cookies, but I have to use dark and white choccy drops as I couldn't find caramel. it will be ok but not as good I fear.
    love to the family


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