The incident was a pertinent reminder of how careful everyone should be with their drinks.
If you can't trace every second of a drink's life from the barman's hand to yours, don't drink it. You have to keep at least as good a track of your drink as the prosecution do of a piece of evidence for a criminal case. If your drink wouldn't be admissible in a criminal court, don't drink it. If an aesthetically pleasing boy or girl offers to buy you a drink either say or no or go with them to the bar, watch the drink as it is made and take it straight from the barman.
Sadly, there are some very nasty people in the world. I don't think we should live out lives paranoid, but there are some instances where it pays to take precautions. Look out for your friends, keep track of your drinks and don't make yourself vulnerable to something really horrible happening by choosing to get yourself too intoxicated that you can't keep yourself safe or be of assistance to a friend in trouble.
Consider my public service announcement over.
In other news, I went to the Parasoc Ball on Thursday night. I really didn't want to go but my friends bullied me into buying a ticket and then my mum and my sister ensured that I did end up out the door on the night. I had a fantastic night with the good people of table 15.
This was my first uni ball. I didn't bother with the Arts faculty ones because they are such huge events and barely anyone knows each other from uni anyway. The paramedic student ball was different because it was a much smaller event and I was on a table with friends I see at least 3 days a week.
We drank plenty (drinks and a 3 course meal were included in the $75 ticket) and danced like no one was watching and generally had a very good time. This was all the fun of a school formal, without the drama of having to take a date and the added fun of being of legal drinking age. There is also a bonus with a course like paramedics that you do get to know basically everyone in your year and there are barely any princessy, cliquey, drama queen types ruining the night by being bitchy.
I already knew my uni friends were great, but they all looked so fantastic all dressed up and were so much fun to dance and drink with. There were many terrible paramedic student jokes told and I don't think our poor (very cute) waiter will be forgetting us in a hurry...
For reasons I'm not quite ready to go into here, getting myself to go to the Ball was a big deal. It was tough to get myself to go, but I'm so glad I did. This much fun was had |
I was hit and miss with my efforts to be on time this week. My overall attendance, whilst not perfect, was much improved. This week I am aiming for perfect attendance and punctuality. My eating habits were better, but again, not what they could have been and the same can be said for exercise.
It was one of the better weeks I've had in a while. The Ball was a highlight, but it was little things like my favourite group fitness instructor very apprehensively illegally using an original song rather than the stupid cover, that made it good. He did this because the cover version of the song provided to the instructors was so bad he couldn't hear the beat. He made us swear that we wouldn't tell.
I also managed to fall asleep on the train and miss my station after having a lovely lunch in the city with some friends I used to work with. Thankfully, I woke up only one station passed mine and the weather was nice enough for the walk to be enjoyable.
I really love coaching gymnastics and I'm thinking about starting a separate blog about it.
I am starting to feel like my luck is starting to change, so I'm hopeful that this week will be another good one. I don't really believe in luck, I'm more of a "fortune favours the brave" (and those who work hard) type, but I figure the positivity can't hurt.
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