Sunday, 3 February 2013

Brace face

I am not exactly looking forward to this week. This is why... 

My braces go on tomorrow. Now that I'm nearly 22, most of my friends have been out of their braces for a few years now if not more. The prospect of having them put on does not exactly fill me with joy and I have been told by Kate to eat as many apples as I can today! Whilst braces will not be fun, knowing how much they cost, I am very aware that they are privilege. Whilst I don't think they will be an enjoyable experience, I am very lucky to have them provided to me. No doubt in a year or so I will be pleased I had them.

I have a number of less than fun activities scheduled for this week. That's life, I guess. Looking on the bright side, I have been allocated 5.5 additional coaching hours a week at the gym. This means extra money, but more importantly; more time spent doing what I love.

I am not looking forward to this week. I know it is not going to be fun and I have been feeling a bit flat and despondent recently. Wish me luck and as they say, "this too shall pass".

1 comment:

  1. Good luck EJ. Yes I guess you will have times of hate towards the braces, but as they also say, it will be worth it in the long run.
    Just managed to find the new blog last weekend, so I had a little catching up to do.
    Well Done, I really enjoy your writing and hearing what you are up to and the thoughts going around in that very bright head of yours.
    You must be off on your Qld holiday pretty soon, which will be great fun. I hope you can avoid flooded areas, maybe you are staying in a high rise??
    Have fun, regardless of the metal in your mouth.


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