Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Skinny Bitch, full of sh*t

I booked my health and fitness assessment today, so I can cross that one off the week's to do list. I failed to complete my planned exercise =( I blame Novak Djokovic, if he had beaten Hewitt faster, I would not have slept straight through my alarm. I did do 45 minutes of high intensity interval training at the gym as well as 40 minutes of walking there and back. I will consider that passable, so long as I do harder classes at the gym tomorrow. Fitness assessment, I will be ready for you!

My Mum bought me a dress yesterday and I love it. It was the perfect gift because I hate shopping for clothes and avoid it as much as possible. If she hadn't just bought it for me there is no way I would have agreed to go into the shop and try it on.

Today I discovered that I am the author of a 'top review' on www.bookdepository.com. I reviewed a diet book called "Skinny Bitch", which was one of the worst books of any kind I have ever read. 

At the time of purchasing it I was studying philosophy and had subsequently read some of Peter Singer's work. Singer founded the Bioethics department at Monash and is now a professor at Princeton. One of the cornerstone arguments of his work is that the best thing a person can do individually for global poverty is to become a vegetarian. The idea is that animals who a bred for human consumption consume a huge amount of grain in comparison to the amount of food they produce when they become meat. For every 8 or 9 kilos of grain consumed only 1 kilo of meat is produced. Meat is expensive to produce and is an environmentally damaging process, the animals serve no other ecological purpose and are usually not native to the area they are farmed. Furthermore, meat is not essential for human survival. 

Singer argues that meat production simply isn't necessary in terms of human mortality and that the grain currently used to feed these animals could feed the entire developing world. 

I respect Singer's work and find his argument to be both logically coherent and compelling. I came across Skinny Bitch because whilst it is marketed as a diet book, it is really a book about transitioning to a particular brand of vegetarianism, something I was contemplating doing. As I said before, it is the worst book I have ever read and in my review I detail most of my main objections to it. If you are looking for a book about weight loss or a book about ethical eating, I implore you to choose something other than Skinny Bitch. Oh, and you can't borrow my copy, it's in the recycling bin!

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