Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Read me.

Hello there. I thought I'd write a little blogging postcard, if you will, now that the real author is back in town. 

I must admit I was very surprised at how addictive and even enjoyable filling in for Eliza was. It was also quite kind of her to let me run wild on her project, so thanks for that. I probably owe her slurpee for finding a relatively productive way to pass some time, and you too for actually reading it*.

In my absence from daily blogging, I have been thinking a lot about ATTENTION. 

There is no doubt that everybody needs it, to a certain degree. In these modern times we have oh so many ways to get it.
It's no secret the internet gives anyone who wants it an easily accessible platform to project anything we damn well please to friends and strangers alike. I'm doing it right now. News and current affairs programs enjoy shoving THE LATEST STUDIES down our throats about how reliant 'the youth today' are on the horror of SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES. 
I am the first to admit, like anything, there are definitely legitimate dangers to the internet. Like many other facets of our lives, having balance and common sense are vital. 
The all-too-easy way to post every photo or update all your pals makes it easy to advertise how amazingly fantastic one's own life is. I am as happy as anyone when good things happen, it's the egotism that often comes along with it that is dangerous. The response to the general conceited tone of Social Networking these days is where the trouble begins. The emotional pendulum can swing quickly online. This is the heart of the Social Networking Issue that sends my brain into very complicated, scout style knots.

Where is the distinction between attention-grabbing stunts and real asking for help?

This is something that gets me into a true state of confusion often, my brain has an elaborate argument every time I see one of these extremely emotive status'. 
Initial reaction: stop trying to get attention

After thought: what if this is legit?

There tend to be two categories for these sorts of displays. The first kind; where people proclaim in broad sweeping statements how absolutely terrible their life is in every way, to evoke sympathy in fellow friends, and revel in how bad their lives are. Or the second; the kind which are not necessarily the most dramatic, but have a definite dark undertone to them, posted under the belief that an internet platform is the only forum where they will actually be noticed.  

The difference between the first type and the second is significant. Unfortunately this doesn't mean that it's easy to distinguish which type a particular post falls into.  
And regardless of the motivation, there is a level of responsibility upon those who read it, like it or not. I feel super duper uncomfortable when I see any "fuck this" or "why do I even bother?" status'. There is no way of knowing with these ambiguous statements whether the author is upset about losing their phone or their father. 

I'm hesitant to respond to these posts. I don't want to encourage those who need to be the centre of 'drama' to feel important. But I don't want to ignore somebody who needs real support. It's tricky business, trying not to interfere when the culture is over sharing, while also trying to care about the people you know. I don't like buying into the Validation by Likes and Comments mentality many users of this media fall victim to. It's a fickle and superficial way to attest your self-worth.

So I am going to ask you, Y O U the charming, good-looking reader to do me a favour. If you post extremely ambiguous emotional status' (and even if you don't)or about your problems - just ask yourself when you're posting something 'would I yell this in public?' before you post it.
--> If you answer YES - step away from the social media. Looking for validation through 'likes' and comments won't fix the problem. It can even make it worse. Talk to a human, don't project it out into a faceless crowd and hope someone will notice. 

--> If you answer NO - please don't post it anyway, it's these attention grabbing antics that make spotting somebody who needs actual help almost impossible to find. They're wedged between fights with best friends, lost wallets and bad haircuts (not that these aren't legitimate problems).

Besides, if you're having such a fantastic or dreadful time as you may be claiming, logically you should be too darn busy with your life to be posting about it.

Enjoy the sunshine (if you're  indeed in the southern hemisphere)
K x

*NOTE: I will not be offering actual slurpees to anyone who claims they have been reading this, sorry pals.


  1. Hmmm, not sure whether to keep writing, or just shut up???!!!

  2. Kate you are not what I'm talking about at all! I was just airing my annoyance at people who claim that every glitch in their lives are full scale crises and are looking for some drama. You definitely don't fall into that category :)

    1. I so hear you Ms Kate BG with the best first name in the whole world! xx


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