Today I have been thinking about these, rose and violet creams. They are so delicious.
I love them because Haigh's make them. Haigh's chocolate is superior to all other makers of chocolate*. I have loved chocolate for as long as I've been alive. Extreme chocoholism is a proud tradition on the Brebner side of the family. My Pa was always causing Patsy (my grandma) grief before her elaborate dinner parties when he'd hunt down the after dinner chocolate, which had been hidden from him, and eat it all. He'd do this just before the dinner party started, so all the shops would be closed and it couldn't be replaced.
When I was about 2 years old my parents left a block of chocolate broken up in a bowl on the bench for the babysitter before they went out. When my parents were getting reading, I climbed up onto the bench and ate the entire bowl. In the process, I got quite a bit of it smeared on my little face. Mum asked me what I had on my face, I replied sheepishly, "Somening chocnate."
(In an early flirtation with my own will power, I was swapping all my "Ls" for "Ns" when speaking, hence chocnate, I became Eniza, I barracked for the Bnues etc. I did it for about 6 months straight and my parents fretted that I'd developed some kind of developmental disturbance. Eventually they worked out that I was just doing it because I could and tried to trip me up, but they never did. Until one day, I just stopped it, just as suddenly as I started it.)
The other reason I love rose and violet creams is because they taste like flowers (duh). Katie and I spent most of time between the age of 1 and 8 dressed up as fairies. Our very talented Mum made us many beautiful fairy costumes over the years, which I felt were far superior to some of our friends shop purchased ones. Mine were always pink, while being the second child Katie's tended to vary more in colour. Like lots of little kids, Katie and I spent a lot of time tearing the sheets off our beds and making tents between the two sitting room armchairs and then doing anything to avoid packing them up. We spent hours hiding under blanket tents playing our own little games in our own little world. My inner 5 year old self thinks that rose and violet creams are exactly the kind of food "real fairies" would nibble on at the bottom of their whimsical English gardens.
Katie (2 1/2) & Lizey (4), circa June 1995
I love this photo, you can see how well loved our costumes were!
In other news, thanks so much to my buddy Kate, who awarded me a "Forget me not" award. I have displayed it in the right hand side bar. You can read what it's all about by clicking the link embedded in her name.
*The images are not of Haigh's, as all their images are copyrighted and can't be used without written permission. This is a shame, as they make a better looking chocolate than these!
*The images are not of Haigh's, as all their images are copyrighted and can't be used without written permission. This is a shame, as they make a better looking chocolate than these!