The sole reason I'm writing this is because I've finally ticked off one of those things that I've always meant to do, always said I should but have never quite 'found the time'.
I donated blood.
I know many people who donate regularly, and until now I hadn't fit the criteria to do it. But one of my good friends asked me and another friend, who hadn't been before either, to see whether we could do it and make an appointment. The process itself is not difficult, all you have to do is be bothered (and eligible). We called up, answered some questions, made an appointment and showed up. Then there were some more questions, a couple of checks later and all three of us were pumping some of our cells and plasma to give to sick strangers.
Apart from some well timed prompting from my pal Kate, seeing the benefits that donated blood can have on people directly made a significant impact on my motivation levels. Being on placement in an oncology ward last year, seeing people who I knew and cared for (in my 'young student' capacity), needing the help of a stranger and benefiting from that kindness made me realise I had no excuse not to donate myself.
What was possibly even better than all this was seeing the famous male nurse, whom we lovingly doted Dracula, work his magic on my friend. His eccentric conversation starters and mannerisms were very entertaining to say the least. He claims to have designed Princess Diana's wedding dress.
I definitely got satisfaction from helping out someone I'll never get to meet. Even though I didn't expect something in return, the great thing was we DID, in the form of free food and drinks! A very exciting prospect. And being able to casually drop into conversation when someone asked what you got up to that day that you saved three lives. Pretty sweet deal for not much effort.
Here's some snaps of us super-keen super donors, me and Tash.
I really can't wait to see our best friend Dracula in a few months time K x
PS: If you want to see if you can be super cool like us:
or 13 14 95 (in Australia)
Makes me wanna give .....give blood and u a high five bitch! Good things and good! xx